Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday Dec 31- Workout A
1-Snatch grip rack pull- warm up, 5X135,205,2X225,275,295
2a-DB row-warm up,5X45,70
2b-Back lunge-w-u, 4X35
3a- Side lying ext rotation-8X15,15,15
3b-Planks w/leg raise-12,12/each
Notes: Not too fired up tonight, despite wearing my Ross Training beanie, which usually adds some starch to my efforts. Still, got it done.
Last workout of the year. A great time to reflect on the past 12 months- triumphs, disappointments, great ideas followed through or abandoned, weight gained and lost, weights lifted and weights still on the ground. And time to redesign my goals for the next 12. I've been thinking about that and want to make some positive changes. Life goes on, let's do our best!
Happy New Year!!
Tuesday Dec 30- Bodyweight circuit
Targeted drills, KB circuit
Warm up,
Burpees,jumping jacks, split jacks, mountain climbers
10 each X 4
Notes: Ain't that huff enough?
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday Dec 28- Workout B
Targeted drills, KB circuit.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1-BB Floor press- warm up 10Xbar,100,2X190
2a-Front squat-warm up 5Xbar,95,1X135
2b- Swiss ball push up-8,8,8,8
3a-Incline prone Y-10X10,10
3b- Plank w/leg raise-12,12
Notes: Actually a little sore from yesterday's impromptu workout, but still made it through here as planned. Side planks w/leg raise really really really suck and I hate them.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday Dec 28- Spontaneous lifting
I wound up doing 10X10 of 135# trapbar deads alternated with weighted push ups, done wearing a backpack with a 25# plate in it.
Now, back to football!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday Dec 26- Workout A
Targeted drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1-Snatch grip rack pull- warm up- 5X135,185, 2X225, 1X275,295
2a-DB row-warm up 5X45,70
2b- Back lunge-warm up 5X35
3a-Side ext rotation-10X15,15,15
3b-Side bridge w/leg raise-12,12
Notes: I like this one. Seems i like any workout that includes deadlifting. Side bridges with leg raises are for the eternally cursed.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday Dec 24- Workout B
1- BB Floor press- warm up 10Xbar,5X100,130,4X170, 1X230
2a-Front squat-warm up 4Xbar,115,
2b-Swiss ball push up-12,12,12
3a- Incline prone Y-10X8,10,10
3b- Plank w/leg raise-12,12,12
Notes: Running very late and abbreviated warm up this once. Did well though, including a PR in BP during warm up! Did nothing yesterday after falling on my ass on the ice and torquing my back a little.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday Dec 22- Workout A
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Snatch grip rack pull- warm up 5X135,185 4X225,1X275,295
2a-DB Row-warm up 5X45,70
2b- Back lunge-4X35
3a-Side external rotation-8X12,15,15
3b-Side plank w/leg raise-12,12
Notes: 325# rack pulls, 100# DB rows, life is good. Side planks w/leg raise are the curse of the damned.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday Dec 19- Workout B
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Floor press- warm up- 10Xbar(50)5X100,130,4X160
2a- Front squat- warm up 5Xbqr,4X95,115
2b- Swiss ball push up- 10,10,10
3a- Incline prone Y-12X5,8,8
3b- Plank w/leg raise-10,10,10
Notes: Felt good tonight. A little heavier here and there. The cortisone is making a little difference also, definitely less pain in general. No a.m. session because I stayed up way too late watching the Colts win. Go Colts!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday Dec 17- Workout A
Targeted drills, KB circuit
Ball/roller work, warm up.
1- Snatch grip rack pulls- 5X135,4X185,215,2X265
2a-DB Row-5X45,52,
2b- Back lunge-5X25,
3a-Side ext rotation-12X10,12,12
3b-Side plank w/leg raise-10/side,10
Notes: Rack pulls felt great. Much smoother with the lunges now, no knee probs. Formformform! Side planks with leg raise are the Devil's doing.
Tuesday Dec 16- KB intervals
Warm up,
1 arm KB swings, 1 arm KB cleans- 5/side, switch
4 rounds of 15 each side w/20K bell
Notes: Had another appt with the Orthopod this morning for shoulder rehab review. (Thus the lack of an a.m. session.) He was as frustrated as I am at the plateau of progress. We discussed options and decided on a couple of shots of cortisone. He says within a few days it ought to feel a lot better, and I hope it does. Constant pain has a way of wearing on a person. The range of motion is improved from Bill's work, PT sessions and daily home exercises but is still far from restored. I have one more PT session early next month and we'll see where things are at that point.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday Dec 15- Workout B
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- BB Floor press- warm up, 10Xbar,5X95,115,135 4X165
2a- Front squat-5Xbar,4X95,115
2b- Swiss ball push up-
3a-Incline prone Y-12X5,5,5
3b- Plank w/leg raise-10,10,10
Notes: Missed a workout on friday because of driving all day. Felt it today, too, but still not too bad. Onward!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday Dec 11- Intervals
Targeted drills, KB circuit.
KB circuit.
Notes: Did an abbreviated version as I had to get ready to leave town in the morning. Going to North Carolina again to visit with family. This will be my Holiday visit since I can't get away during Christmas. Time with family is always well spent and I very much look forward to this trip. And I hope you can get together with your loved ones.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wed Dec 10- Workout B
KB circuit, targeted drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- BB Floor press- warm up 5Xbar,100,120,155
2a- Front squat-warm up 3Xbar,95,115
2b- Swiss ball push up- 8,8
3a-Incline prone Y-12X5,5
3b- Plank w/leg raise-10,10
Notes: First run through of this workout. Glad to do front squats again. Planks are not easy. I guess that's the idea. Duh! Trading in the morning power wheel work for light KB circuits for the month.
Tuesday Dec 9- Intervals
Power wheel roll outs, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
KB swing/clean circuit
2 min/2 min rest X 4
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday Dec 8- Workout A
Same as it always was.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Snatch grip rack pulls- 3X135,205,225
2a- DB Row-5X45's
2b- Back lunge-5X20's
3a-Side lying ext rotation- 15X10,10
3b-Side bridge w/leg raise-10,10 each side
Notes: First go with the new program. Snatch grip tests grip strength big time, need work there.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday Dec 5- Establishing 1 Rep Max
Power wheel roll outs, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Squat- 8Xbar,5X95,3X135,
Bench- 8Xbar (Swiss bar=50) 5X100,2X140
Deadlift- 8Xbar,3X135,1X205,225,missX345,1X345
Notes: New ground for me and fun! Totalled 840. Maybe could have gone a little heavier with squat, but no way to safely drop the bar without a cage. Tried 355 on the DL but no way. So now I have a baseline to start from.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday Dec 2- Bodyweight Circuits
Power wheel rollouts, side planks, targeted drills.
Burpees, jumping jacks, split jacks, mountain climbers
3 rounds.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday December 1- Deadlifting
Power wheel rollouts, side planks, targeted rills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Deadlift- 5X135,185,2X225,275,295,4X305
Trap bar DL- 2X180, 5X225,225,275,275
Notes: Wanted to lift heavy stuff and also try out the new trap bar, which I like a lot.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday Nov 30- Workout
1a- Swiss bar bench- 5Xbar(50) 8X100,130,150, 6X170, 4X180,180,180
1b- 1 arm DB Row- 8X45,60,70,80, 6X90,90,90,90
2b-Shoulder complex-6X15's,15,15,15,15
Notes: Done with November's program, so this is just a quickie I made up. Wanted to get one more workout in before it's December.
Back to I-FAST on Wednesday!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday Nov 28- Workout B
1- Dynamic Squat-warm up, 4Xbar,115,135, 3X185
2a- Incline alternating DB Press-5X40's
2b- BB Row-5X80
8X145,155, 155,155
3a- Front to lateral raise-10X15,15
3b- Prone jackknife-10,10
Notes: Nothing yesterday other than high rep work of fork-to-mouth followed by steady state football viewing. Today felt good with the squats and happy to finally bust over 60 with the DB presses.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday Nov 26- Workout A
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1-Sumo DL- warm up, 5X135, 2X185,225, 1X 255
3X285,290, 2X285,1X290
2a- DB Chest supported row-10X75, 7+3X80, 10X80
2b- DB Step up-10X45's,45,45
3a- Upper body step up-15,15,15
3b-Half kneeling chop lift-12,12,12
Notes: I've been waiting and planning on this w/o for a month. I wanted to see what I could do with 3X3 DL, and for a guy with a PR of 1X300 I'm damn happy with this! The rest of it was good also, and I still say this whole workout rocks.
Monday, November 24, 2008
MOnday Nov 24- Workout B
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Dynamic squat- warm up 5Xbar,85, 3X135, 2X165
2a-Incline alt DB press-warm up 5X40's
2b- BB row-warm up 5X80
3a-Front to lateral raise-10X20,5X15,20
3b- Prone jackknife-10,10
Notes: Felt pretty good with this. So, when you raise weights from previous session are you getting stronger or not wussing out as much? Hmmm....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Nov 21- Workout A
Swill ball rollouts, side planks, targeted drills.
P.M.- Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Sumo DL- warm up 4X135,2X185,1X205,225
6X255,255,255, 255
2a- Chest supported row-8X70,75,80,80
2b- DB Step ups-8X45's,45,45
3a- Upper body step ups-12,12,12
3b- Half kneeling lift chop-12,12,12
Notes: A struggle to finish, but dang if I didn't do it. Guess we can't feel strong as a moose everyday.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday Nov 19- Workout B
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Dynamic Squat- warm up 3Xbar,95,115,2X135
2a-DB incline press-8X60,60,60
2b- BB row-8X145,145,155
3a- Front to lateral raise-6X12,6X15,12X15,15
3b- Prone jackknife-12,12,12
Notes: One of those great workouts where I was tired all day and dragged in to the warm up, then powered my way through feeling strong as hell. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday Nov 18- Bodyweight Intervals
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Bodyweight intervals-
Jumping Jacks
Split Jacks
MTN Climbers
30 secs each, two minutes rest, 4 circuits.
Notes: B-W circuits are totally cool. And totally effective. I'll look in to more of these fo sho.
The appt went well. The Dr said progress is coming fast, and prescribed more PT sessions, which I've been doing weekly, plus extra home exercises besides the targeted stuff Bill has me doing. It does feel better, but still some pain and definite loss of motion, but the Doc says it should recover complete range. I sure hope he's right.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday Nov 17- Workout A
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Sumo deadlift, warm up- 5X135, 2X185,1X225
2a-Chest supported row-8X70,70,70,80
2b-DB Step up-8X45's,45,45
3a- Upper body step ups-10,10,10
3b- Half kneeling chop lift-12,12,12
Notes: Felt good all around. I like this workout a lot. It lines up well and I feel like I'm working everything hard. Yes!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Nov 14- Workout B
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm ups.
1-Dynamic squat- warm up, 5Xbar,95,115, 3X135,165
2a- Incline DB press- warm up 5X35,45
2b- BB row- warm up 5X70,90
3a- Front to lateral raise- 12X10,15,15
3b- Prone jackknife- 12,12,12,
Notes: Decided to take yesterday off. So, more weight and reps today. Cool.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Wednesday Nov 12- Workout A
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Sumo dead lift- warm up 6X135, 5X165, 3X185,205 2X225,255
4X275,2X275, 2X265,4X265
2a- Chest supported row-12X60,65,65
2b-DB Step up-12X45's,45,45
3a- Upper body step up-12,12,12
3b- Half kneeling chop lift-12,12,12
Notes: Missed the deadlift weight I was hoping for. Crap! As it was they were more singles than sets. Next time, grrrr.....
Tuesday Nov 11- Intervals
Power wheel rollouts, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Airdyne intervals-
3 min moderate
45 sec sprint
1:15 moderate
3 min moderate.
Notes: Rainy, gray cold crappy day out, so hit the machine. Actually not too bad, plenty of work in a short amount of time.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday Nov 10- Workout B
Power wheel rolls outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Dynamic squat- warm up, 5Xbar,95,115 3X135,165
2a- Incline DB alt press-warm up 5X35,45
2b- BB row-warm up 5X70,90
8X135, 145,145
3a-Front to lateral raise- 12X10,12X10,15
3b- Prone jackknife- 10,10,12
Notes: Squats and presses and rows were max efforts. Want to add weight! I'll get another chance Friday, so for now I'll set my sights on the deads on wednesday.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday Nov 7- Workout A
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Sumo dead lift- warm up- 5X135,165, 3X185,205
2a- Chest supported rows-10X50,8X60,70
2b- Step ups-6X45,45
3a- Upper body step ups-2X10
3b- Half kneeling chop-lift-2X12
Notes: Increased the DL a little. Those are work but I am diggin' it. I really like this whole work out. Did better with the rows too. Going heavy(er) dude!
Thursday Nov 6- Bodyweight intervals
Power wheel rollouts, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Bodyweight circuit intervals:
Jumping jacks
Split jacks
Mountain climbers
30 secs of each, two minutes rest between, 3 times through.
Notes: Bodyweight circuits are new ground for me and they really rock. Surprisingly effective, and I bet there are tons of variations and possibilities.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wednesday Nov 5- Workout B
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Dynamic BB squat- warm up 5Xbar,95,115
2a- Alternating DB press- 8X35's
12 X 45,45,50's
2b- BB Row-
3a- Front to lateral raise-12X10,10,10
3b- Prone jackknife- 12,12,12
Notes: Very tired all day today from staying up way way too late to watch the wonderful election returns. I could have gone heavier but was just too pooped. Still, a very good workout. Now- eat and sleep!
Tuesday Nov 4- Intervals
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Warm up,
sprint intervals at the cross country course.
45 seconds sprint,
2:15 easy
20 minutes easy running
Notes: Supposed to be 200 meter sprints, but it's 70 degrees in November and the cross country course is beautiful.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Monday Nov 3- Workout A
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- SDL- warm up,
2a-Chest supported row-10X45,9X55,10X60
2b- DB Step up 6X35's, 6X45's, each leg
3a-Upper body step up-2X10 each side
3b-Half kneeling chop-lift-2X12 each side
4-Airdyne intervals-
4X1 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy
Notes: Rockin' the deads! Rows worked out Ok on the bench, but the supports are slightly in the way. SS 3 is torso-city. Threw in the intervals. Not a bad start to the month! Yehaaa!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday Nov 1- Workout B- trial run
Blah blah blah
Warm up,
1-Dynamic Squat- 3X3Xbar,95,135,155,185
2a-Alternating DB bench- 8X35,40,45
2b-BB Row- 5X95,95,95,95
3a- front to lateral raise- 5X5,8,10,10
3b- prone jackknife
Notes: Another dry run to establish groove and weight estimates. Think I finally got the hang of the Topsquat, which has been pinching my upper shoulders. This would be a problem with dynamic squats, which generate far more force coming out of the hole. So- ready for another month of progress, and after Sunday's rest and football, here we go....
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday Oct 31- Workout A- trial run
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills
Warm up
1- Sumo DL-
DL- 1X275
2a- Chest supported rows
2b Step ups
3a-Upper body step up
3b-Chop lift
Used this as a run through to set things up for the new program. Sumo deadlifting is very different and will take some getting used to. It feels a little strange to lift with arms between the knees instead of outside them, and the hips are in a different position too. So it's a new movement and i wanted to find a groove and know what to expect with some weight. I really want to crank on this by month's end. My bench doesn't work well for the chest supported rows, so I'll need to improvise something. The step ups and upper body step ups I'll do with cinder blocks, which work out to just about the right height.
Thursday Oct 30- Intervals
Power wheel rolls outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Intervals at the track.
Warm up, then
200 X8, then
15 minutes easy running.
I timed them for fun. 43,41,41,39,39,39,39, and the last rep is unknown since I clumsily hit the wrong button on the watch trying hard to break 39. Ever try to accurately hit a tiny button on your watch while busting ass?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Travel recap Oct 23-28
But it wasn't very fitness oriented either. Everything moves slowly at a retirement community and the food availability isn't always the best. So I went from an intense fat-burning regimen to a lackadaisical several days. The focus was to visit with loved ones and that was heart warming and wonderful.
Now- back to work!
I did do a little work out the morning I left, a SS of DB bench and DB rows. Other than that, I wasn't able to fit in a workout during the trip. On Monday when I got back I did the same SS, presses and rows. Tuesday night I did some deadlifting, working up to 5X5X225. Then on Wednesday I went back to I-FAST for the next session with Bill Hartman. The new program looks good and I'm set for a good month of progress.
I also have gone for an exam on my shoulder with an Orthopedic Dr, who says I have adhesive capsulitis and prescribed rounds of PT, which I started yesterday. Part of the nature of adhesive capsulitis is that it comes and goes on its own, so this problem may not be self-inflicted as I have thought after all. Between Bill's program and the PT's exercises I have plenty of stretching to do and have high hopes for getting past this as fast as possible.
To restate my goals from my initial contact with I-FAST- get shoulder healthy, get leaner, get stronger. I've made progress with all three, so I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing. I have better mobility and far less pain in my shoulder, I lost 15 pounds with last month's effort, and the bar weights are going up each programming cycle. I'm planning to make strength the focus of November.
Here we go...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday Oct 22- Travel break
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
P.M.- Realized I had way too much to do to get ready to leave town early morning, so sadly did no workout. I'll probably get a chance to do something or other down there and will if I can.
Very much looking forward to a good family visit.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday Oct 21- Intervals
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills
Intervals at the cross country course. Warm up, then
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy X4
5 minutes easy
20 minutes moderate
Notes: That group of kids was there again, lead by adults through some running games. Looks like they're having a ball and getting good exercise too, which is great.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday Oct 20- Workout A-2
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Squats- warm up, 5X bar,95,115,3X135,165
2- RDL & elevated side plank-
12 reps RDL 3X15 sec elevated planks each side in rounds for 10 minutes-
3 rounds plus RDL
3- DB(35's) step ups & KB(70#) Swing-
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes-
4 rounds.
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up,
1 minute sprint,
2 minutes easy
Notes: I did in fact take an extra day off. I was worn down and worn out. It did wonders, and now- back to it for one more week. And a short one at that- I'm travelling to North Carolina for a long weekend.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday Oct 17- Workout C
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- deadlift- warm up 5X135,165, 3X185
2- Push up & prone jackknife/sumo dl high pull(65)
8 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
3- DB(35's) squat & push up/inverted row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals- 1 minute warm up, then;
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy X6
Notes: Another rare chance to workout at mid-morning. Working a half day tomorrow, so switched this morning off for that. Also I got a few extra hours sleep and man- what a difference- I feel great! the deads were fun, and added some weight and rounds here and there. progress!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday Oct 16- Intervals
Targeted drills, power wheel rollouts, side planks
Intervals at the cross country course. Warm up, then
1 minute sprint,2 minutes easy X 4
5 minutes easy,
20 minutes moderate run.
Notes: Considering an extra off day to recoup a little. There was a group of young kids running at the course tonight, and playing some kind of running games as a group with a coach. They were laughing and running around and having a ball. Good for them!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday Oct 15- Workout B 2
20 minute walk, Targeted drills, power wheel rollouts, side planks.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- DB incline press- warm up 6X35,40,45
1b- DB rows- warm up, 6X35,40,45
2-RDL(135) & Raised side plank (hold 15 sec, rest 5)
12 RDL/3 planks each side in rounds for 10 minutes- 3 rounds + RDL
3- DB(25'2) Step ups & KB(70#) swings-
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up, then
2 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy
Notes: Subbed raised side plank reps for side planks with leg raise because it was killing my hip to do them that way, and these raised ones are a bear. Been pretty fried for several days now(duh) but at some point tonight I really perked up and went at it hard. Feelin' groovy!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday Oct 14- Intervals
Targeted drills, power wheel rolls outs, side planks.
At the cross country course-
warm up, then
sprint one minute
easy two minutes
easy 5 minutes, then
20 minute moderate run.
Notes: No doubt about it, I far prefer running intervals on the grass to anywhere else. Rolling soft hilly ground is great. Pretty and interesting to see, and the best form of intense work also. Here's hoping for good weather on tuesdays and thursdays!
Monday Oct 13- Workout A
20 minute walk, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Squat- warm up, 5X115,115,1X135
2- push up & prone jackknife/sumo dl high pull (60#)
8 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 9 rounds
3-DB(35's)squat & push up/inverted row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 7 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up,
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy
Notes: I subbed the sumo dl high pull for backward lunge/row because my knees have bothering me on lunges.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday Oct 11- Intervals
20 minute walk, targeted drills.
At the local HS track-
warm up,
Sprint 1 minute, 2 minutes walk/easy jog
5 minutes walk
20 minutes moderate running.
Notes: This was fun. Haven't been to the track for awhile and it was interesting to run it by time instead of distance. There was also a very nice active young family there kicking a football around and having fun running around with their kids, which was great to see.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday Oct 10- Workout C2
20 minute brisk walk, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Deadlift- warm up 5X115,135,
2- RDL(125)/side plank w/leg raise
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
3- DB(25's) step up/KB(70#) swing
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute hard, 2 easy X 6
5- Prone body gasp
Notes: My butt= whupped.
Thursday Oct 9- Intervals
Targeted mobility drills.
Sprinting on the cross country course-
Warm up,
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy X 4
5 minutes easy
20 minutes moderate.
Notes: Beautiful day out. Ran shirtless because I forgot to pack a tshirt, felt great to be in the sun.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday Oct 8- Workout B2
Targeted drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Incline DB press warm up 5X35,40,45
1b- DB row- warm up 5X35,40,45
2-Push up & prone jackknife w/feet on ball/DB(30's)back lunge & row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 7 rounds
3-DB (35's) squat & push up/inverted row w/feet elevated
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up
2 minutes hard
2 minutes easy
times 3
2 minutes cool down
Notes: Feeling a little spent this week, hope to recharge.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday Oct 7- Intervals at home
15 minute walk, targeted drills.
Ball/ roller work, mobility warm up.
Airdyne- 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy
C2- 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy
6 rounds
5 minutes airdyne easy,
5 minutes airdyne moderate
5 minutes C2 moderate
2 rounds
Notes: Rainy cold drab day out, so hit the torture machinery at home. Not anywhere near as good (or fun) as running outside. Hopefully it will be nicer out on thursday. I'd rather shave my head with a cheese grater than grind away on machines, but switching back and forth keeps it interesting.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday Oct 6- Workout A2
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Front squats- warm up, 5Xbar,96,3X115,1X135
2- RDL(115)(120 last 2 rounds)/Side plank w/leg raise
12 reps of each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
3- DB(25's) step ups/KB(70#) swings
12 of each for rounds in 10 minutes- 5 rounds, last 12 swings done after time was up
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up,
1 minute hard, 2 easy, X6
Notes: Felt a little bleh getting started, but it got a little easier after the squats. Added a little weight here and there and still upped the rounds. Dude!
Still waiting for my Top Squat to arrive, very eager to back squat again!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A measurable difference

Without a doubt the biggest single change in my training in the past two months has been getting organized and having a specific plan to follow. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the plan I'm now following has been designed by Bill Hartman, a person Alwyn Cosgrove has tabbed "The smartest man in the fitness industry" either. My point is that having a well designed customized program that includes a targeted goal and also the progression needed to reach that goal, (and thus set up the next one) is far better than just 'working out'.
The same goes for the nutrition portion of training and goals. Having a specific amount of food to eat, in specific macros and at specific times makes all the difference when compared to trying to 'eat clean'. Measuring your food, like doing the exact number of exercise reps with perfect form and appropriate loading, will make or break your progress. Leigh Peele has a video that makes this point very well. So now I use measuring cups and got a digital scale, and I use them regularly. Geeky? Maybe, but this way I know what I'm eating is what I'm supposed to be eating, no more and no less. It takes both inaccuracy and momentary gluttonous greed out of the whole affair. You eat what is RX'd, period. Do this each day and watch Mr. Scale become your friend again.
Saturday Oct 4- Intervals
At the cross country course:
5 minute warm up then
1 minute sprint
2 minutes easy X4
5 minutes recover
20 minutes LSD.
Notes: Fall has settled into southern Indiana. The air is crisp, the trees are just starting to turn, and a beautiful day like today seems even better for knowing their kind are limited. nice day to run around outside.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday Oct 3- Workout C
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1-Paused deads- warm up 5X115,135
2- Push-up & prone jacknife with feet on ball/DB(30's)back lunge & row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 7 rounds
3- DB(35's) push up & squat/inverted row with feet elevated
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals- 1 minute warm up- 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy X 6, 2 minutes cool down.
Notes: Another rockin' good time. Increased rounds 2 & 3 by one each over last session. Deads felt great too, a smooth groove after my first coaching on them by Bill at I-FAST last week.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday Oct 2- Intervals
20 minute brisk walk, targeted drills
Running at the cross country course.
Warm up, then
1 minute hard
2 minutes easy
times 4
5 minutes easy
20 minutes LSD
Notes: So far, two weeks into this calorie deficit nutrition plan I really have no complaints. Except for brief periods here and there I really have had no hunger or cravings worth mentioning, and my energy has been very good. in short- it rocks! I'll weigh and measure this Sunday to see where I'm at.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday Oct 1- Workout B
Targeted mobility drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Incline DB press- warm up, 5X35,40
1b- DB row-warm up 5X35,40
2- RDL(115#) & Side plank w/leg raise
12 reps each for ten minutes- 4 rounds, plus 1 extra RDL
3- Step up(25's) & KB(24K) Swing
12 reps each for ten minutes- 5 rounds.
4- airdyne intervals- 2 minutes warm up
2 minutes hard
2 minutes easy
times 3
2 minutes cool down.
Notes: I'm diggin' this deal. You get strength work, two challenging rounds of alternating exercises, and interval finishers. All in about the same time as a standard workout. I'm doing my diligence here: fat cells beware! It felt good to bench press again too.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday Sept 30- EST
20 minute brisk walk, targeted drills.
Did the first interval portion of this month-long fat attack. It goes like this:
Warm up-
60 seconds hard
120 easy
repeat 3 times
recover 5 minutes, then
20 minutes LSD.
The mode used doesn't matter- cycle, run, row, jump rope, chasing damn bears, whatever you like. I chose running because I really enjoy running, especially fast and outdoors. I went over to the local university cross country course, which is well groomed, hilly and secluded.
I think I actually understand the science behind this also. Intervals to get heart/metabolism up, five minute recoup to allow fat to mobilize into the bloodstream, 20 minutes more effort to burn it off. I imagine this is part of the flight or flight mechanism, from back when the damn bears were chasing us. However it works, I enjoyed it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday Sept 29- Workout 1
20 minute brisk walk, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm-up.
1- Front Squat- warm up 5Xbar,95,3X115,1X135
2- Push up w/feet on stability ball & prone jacknife/back lunge & DB row (30's)
Alternating sets of 6 reps each, 6 rounds in 10 minutes.
3- DB squat (35's)& Push up/inverted row w/feet elevated
Alternating sets of 6 reps each, 7 rounds in 10 minutes
4- Aerdyne intervals- 60 hard, 120 easy X 6- 2 minutes warm up & cool down.
Notes: OMG.
Month's recap & Next month's plan
1- Get shoulder healthy.
2- Fat loss.
3- Begin comprehensive program to address weak areas, gain excellent level of conditioning and balanced overall strength.
I feel like I'm well on my way in all of these areas. My shoulder feels a whole lot better, range of mobility is improved, and is also stronger. Plus I now know how to brace them both for proper use, and the stretching and targeted drills are doing plenty of good things. Fat loss is the current emphasis, and progress is happening there already. I'm confident October will see a big difference there too. Overall strength and conditioning have improved as well.
All this in a month's time. Have I said I'm glad I started going to IFAST?
Specific exercise progress:
Start: End:
Split squat- 6X60 8X90
DB row- 8X50 10X65
RDL- 8X115 10X185
Scaption- 8X10 10X20
Front squat-4X115 5X175
I'll be using a program specifically designed for fat loss in this next month, which includes very specific nutrition guidelines. This program was co-written by Alwyn Cosgrove (all bow and kneel) and Mike Roussell, and tailored to my limitations by Bill Hartman. I have high hopes and high confidence in this program. I've been following the nutrition part of it for a week and have already lost 10 pounds, and an inch from my waist. So I feel primed for a wonderful month of wreaking endless torture on my fat cells.
It starts tonight!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday Sept 26- Workout A
20 minute brisk walk, targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Split squat- warm up 3X40,2X60
1b- DB Row-
2a- RDL-
2b- Scaption-
3- Side planks- 2X6
Notes: Legs sore from yesterday's run, made for even suckier squats.
Last w/o of this program. Dang. Now- on to the next!!
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Thursday Sept 25- Running
20 minute brisk walk, Targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Went for a 40 minute run, which was ugly. It's been over a month since I've done any distance running at all, but I wanted to try it one more time. Plenty of stretching after.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday Sept 24- at IFAST
Bill and I reviewed the past month briefly, looking for questions and answers. Then he performed some direct work on my shoulder, which was really helpful. Wish that could happen more often. Then a supervised run-through of the mobility warm up, in which I got corrections on form, further instruction and direction for progression.
We next ran through the exercises I'll be doing in the next month, which happily include both back squats (with a Top Squat) and DB bench pressing. Yeah!
Careful sustained consideration to perfect form and shoulder stabilization at all times remain a mantra.
So the rest of this week wraps up the initial 4-week program, then on to the next. What's it about? Here's a clue-
I've already lost 7 pounds.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday Sept 23
10 minutes moderate rowing, targeted mobility drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up
15 minutes rowing
15 minutes Aerdyne
5 minutes rowing
5 minutes Aerdyne
Notes: This was RX'd as LSD but I called Fielder's Choice and used my torturous machinery instead. More on my plans with running in a future post.
Tomorrow I go back to IFAST- what awaits me there??
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m., spaced out the p.m. session. Duh.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday Sept 22, Workout B-
Targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm-up.
1- Front squat- warm up, 3Xbar,95,115,1X135,155
5X165, 175
2a- Paused inverted row- 3X10
2b- paused weighted push up- 35# X 3X10
3a- Prone I on ball- 2X10
3b- Paused plank- 2X10
62 minutes.
Notes: Deload week. This workout went fast. Finished with 15 minutes on the C2, rowing moderately.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Sept 19- Workout A
20 minute brisk walk, targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Paused split squat-
1b- DB Row-
2a- Paused RDL-
2b- Scaption
3- paused side planks- 3X8
Notes: Tired, but I feel good. Progress is motivating, and upward is the direction.
RDL tested grip to absolute limit. Split squats don't always suck. But almost always.
Now- two days off!
1hr 10 min.
a.m. & p.m. heating pad shoulder stretch.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursdy Sept 18- KB Swingzilla!
Targeted mobility drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
24K KB Swing breathing ladder
Notes: Contemplated taking the day off but went on ahead, and felt great! Best swing session yet. Dang- maybe I'll get a heavier bell...
Also solved the problem with deep palm blisters from the swinging- duct tape.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Wednesday Sept 17- Workout B
20 minute brisk walk, targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Front squats- warm up 3Xbar,95,2X115,135
2a- paused inverted row- 2X12
2b- weighted paused push up- 2X15 w/25#
3a- prone I on ball- 3X12
3b- paused plank- 2x12
70 minutes
Notes: After being wiped out last night from the track intervals I felt great all day today, happy and energetic and looking forward to tonight's workout. That said, the front squats were rough, and I had to briefly rack the bar in the last two sets to reset it on my shoulder. But, I get 'er done. Extra 20 minute walk at lunch today.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Tuesday Sept 16- At the track
At the high school track-
A complete butt-kicking high-paced adventure.
I was surprised to have the track to myself the whole time, weird for a weeknight.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday Sept 15, Workout A
Brisk 20 minute walk, targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- paused split squat-
1b- DB Row- 8X55,60,60,60
2a- RDL- 8X155,165,175,175
2b- Scaption- 8X15,20,20,20
3- Paused Side planks- 3X8
69 minutes.
Notes: 4X6-8 is a fav rep range and I looked forward to this one! Added weight all around and was ready to quit when it was done.
This starts week 3 of the 4 week program and it's the heaviest. I liked the spaced day off and think I'll probably do that on purpose this week, as opposed to taking both weekend days off.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday Sept 13- Workout B
Targeted mobility drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up
1- Front squat warm up 3Xbar,96,115
2a- Paused inverted rows-3X10
2b- Paused push up 25#- 3X12
3a- Prone I on ball 3X12
3b- Paused plank 3X10
Notes: Still improving front squats, did the 185 rep just for fun to see if I could. Ugly, but it went up. 25# plate in a backpack for the push ups, max effort.
67 minutes.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday Sept 12- KB Swings
Targeted mobility work.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
24K KB swing breathing ladder.
56 minutes.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday Sept 10- Workout A
20 minute brisk walk, targeted mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Paused split squat- 8X70,80,80
1b- DB row- 12X55,55,55
2a- Paused RDL- 12X135,135,135
2b- scaption- 12X15,15,15
Paused side planks- 3X8
Notes: Cold out this morning on the walk. Brrr! More weight all around tonight.
Split squats suck, but all progress rocks. 68 minutes.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Tuesday Sept 10- Back to the track
Sprints at the local HS track.
400, 200, 100, 200, 400 X 2.
Finished with 2 extra 100's and ran 8 stair reps on the stadium stairs.
Notes: Lunch was a little too big. I really enjoy sprinting, especially the 100. I've never timed it, but it feels fast to me, and it's fun.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We all know it's important to drink plenty of water. We're told from childhood to have at least 8 glasses a day. Just how much we need for optimum health is apparently unknown for there are many varying recommendations, but plenty and then some sounds right to me. It's a big part of our overall makeup, it helps our bodies function in many important ways, and an ample supply is a help in fat loss efforts also.
I try to remember to drink a lot of the stuff but I don't always. I know I feel better when I do. All in all I figured I was probably getting about a gallon a day. I got to wondering just how much I drink on a given day, so I bought a gallon jug and took it to work. I drank from it when I was thirsty, when I thought of water, and when I saw it sitting there on my desk. At the end of the work day there was just a tad over a half gallon left. So much for perceived level of hydration!
Someone said "If you're not assessing, you're just guessing".
Bottom's up.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday Sept 8- Workout B
Saturday I did nothing except for some easy walking. I was tired and needed just that.
Sunday I did targeted drills and ball/roller warm up, then mowed the yard, an hour and a half of hilly pushing.
On to Monday-
20 minute brisk walk, target mobility drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
Front squat-Warm up w/3X bar,95,5X115
1- 5X135,155,170
2a- paused inverted rows- 3X11
2b- paused weighted push ups (15# in backpack) 3X12
3a- Prone I on ball- 2X12
3b- Plank- 2X 10
69 minutes
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Happy with front squat progress, even as the warm up sets blur with the working sets. More!
Stayed up way too late watching the Colts lose lamely to Chicago. I hate the Bears.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday Sept 5- Workout A
Targeted mobility drills.
Ball/foam roller work, mobility warm-up.
1a- Paused DB split squats- 8X60,70,80
1b- DB Rows- 12X50,55,55
2a- Paused RDL- 12X115,135,135
2b- Scaption- 12X10,15,15
3- Paused side planks- 2X8 each side.
Time: 1:15
Notes: Gassed from the start. Stayed with it and actually felt stronger than last time through this, even though I am tired. Weird. Best form on side planks yet.
No walk this morning, short on time.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
It's Friday!!
Thursday Sept 4- KB Swings
20 minute brisk walk, targeted mobility drills.
Ball/foam roller work, mobility warm up.
24K KB Swing breathing ladder to 20 and back.
56 minutes total, -2 minutes from last session.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Used the new roller tonight. Firmer and larger diameter and works much better. Good purchase. Swings are a blast. Sweating like a pig and huffing like a locomotive.
My shoulder is bruised from front squats, both hands have blisters from swinging- life is good.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wednesday Sept 3- Workout B
20 minute brisk walk, then:
Targeted mobility drills.
Ball/foam roller work, mobility warm up-
Front Squat-
Warm up 3Xbar,75,95
1- 5X115,125,135,155
Alternating set:
2a- Paused inverted row- 10,10,12,10
2b- Paused push up- 10,10,12,10
Alternating set-
3a- Prone I on ball- 2X12
3b- Plank- 2X10
Notes: The Good: Good warm up. Glad to up the weight on front squats, which I like even more and did an extra set just to see if I could. Weight will continue to go up as I better my form and technique.
The Bad: Misread the sets/reps for 2a/b- supposed to be 3X12, so I did an extra make-up set. Duh.
71 minutes with extra sets.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m., only 10 minutes in a.m.
Tuesday Sept 2- On the track
20 minute brisk walk, targeted mobility work, 4 minute Tabata on Aerdyne.
The Tabata goes like this-
2 minute warm up (already pretty loose from walking and mobility work)
20 seconds flat out
10 seconds real easy
repeat for 8 reps/4 minutes
2 minutes easy recover.
Ran sprint intervals. usually done at the local High School track but tonight they had a football game going on. I went to the large parking lot of the elementary school which I know from measuring previously is very close to a quarter mile oval. There I did:
Two laps warm up
400, 200, 100, 200, 400, 100, 100
Two laps cool dawn.
The last two 100's were extra, still had some ya-yas to get out I guess.
Missed the a.m. heating pad stretch, did a longer p.m. session.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday Sept 1, Labor Day- Workout A
20 minute brisk walk, then:
Targeted mobility stretches.
4 minute Tabata on Aerdyne.
Foam roller/lacrosse ball work, mobility exercises and warm-up.
Alternating set:
1a- Paused DB split squat(321)- 8X60,70,80
1b- DB Row- 12 X 50,50,55
Alternating set:
2a- Paused RDL(221)- 12X115,135,135
2b- Scaption- 12X10,15,15
Side Planks- 2X8 each side, 6 sec reps w/ 1 sec rest
Finished w/ 3X500 meter C-2 rows at 2:00 per.
Notes: Finished at 69 minutes, not including rowing. Added aerdyne tabata and rowing for some extra calorie burn. Added weight to all exercises despite higher reps. Grip tested on RDLs. Limiting factor on split squat seems to be quad on trailing leg, hope that's right.
A.m. & p.m. heating pad shoulder stretch.
Happy Labor Day!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sunday August 31
I started this 6 day routine on a Thursday and I'd like to keep it symmetrical. I've run through each of the two weight sessions I'll be doing and will start again on Monday as if it were the first day.
My next appt. at IFAST is on September 24th, so I'll have nearly 4 weeks with it by then. I wonder what Bill will have for me after that?
Time also to crank down on a firm nutrition plan, and to set some new goals there.
Today I did most of the Mobility warm up and foam roller/ball work, plus the usual two 20 minute heating pad shoulder stretch sessions.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Saturday 8/30 Workout B
20 minute brisk walk, then Targeted mobility stretches/exercises.
Lacrosse ball/foam roller work, mobilization warm ups.
Workout B-
Front squat-
Warm up with 3Xbar,65,75
Alternating set-
2a- Inverted row,4X8
2b- Paused push up, 4X10
Alternating set-
3a- Prone I on stability ball, 3X10
3b- Front plank, 2X8,1X10
Time:69 minutes
Notes: Glad I tracked down a lacrosse ball to use in place of the tennis ball. It does a much better job. I'm beginning to get the hang of the ball and roller work and really understand and enjoy it.
Front squat is a new move for me, so I started light and worked on form. I dig me some squatting and am glad to do this as I can't back squat anymore due to shoulder mobility. Did one extra set of 2a,b and 3a,b. Sue me.
The swinging from yesterday is mostly hitting my hams, and a little in lower back and traps also. I expected it to be worse than it is.
Heating pad shoulder stretch 20 minutes a.m & p.m.
Perform Better sale
Perform Better is having a Summer Sale on many useful items. In my post-workout glee I placed an order for a better foam roller, a good stability ball and another KB. Sale ends September 30th....
Friday August 29- Just a-swangin'...
20 minute brisk walk. Then ran through my targeted stretches/exercises from Bill's program.
The effort doesn't feel like a whole lot in total, but afterward I feel nice and loose, and there is some related light soreness also, so I know they're definitely doing something good.
Tennis ball/foam roller work, mobilization warm ups.
Kettlebell swings. Millions of 'em. As a GPP junkie I couldn't wait to try this one when I saw it on the program.
KB Breathing Ladder
1 swing, 1 breath
2 swings, 2 breaths, etc. up to 20 and back down.
Warmed up with DBs, 5X30,35,40,45, then grabbed my brand new 52# KB and settled in for its inaugural ride. Whee! If the math is right that's 400 swings. I only sneaked in a few extra breaths, and prepared to start the next set as I was taking my last breath from the previous set. I'm pretty bad at keeping count sometimes, but you need to focus on this drill, as a forgotten count can cost you an extra 15, or 16, or whatever number of swings you space out. I'll be very curious to see where the soreness from this settles in. Great workout! 58 minutes from warm up to finish.
A.M. & P.M. heating pad shoulder stretch.
Thursday August 28- Workout A
20 minute brisk walk, than 4 X 10 of:
Body weight squats
Push ups
Side planks
Push ups are alternating split hand stance, planks held for 30 seconds and alternate side each set.
First workout from the new program. Dang!
Tennis ball/foam roller work, mobilization warm ups.
Alternating Set 1-
1A. Paused DB Split squat
6 reps with 40,50,60#
1B. DB Row
8 reps with 45,45,50#
Alternating Set 2-
2A. Paused RDL
8 reps 115,115#
2B. Scaption (DB 30 degree front raise)
8 reps 5,10#
Side bridges- 2X7 each side, held for 5 seconds each w/1 sec rest between reps.
Overall I felt like I should have done more work, but I will follow the plan as written. (Though I did add a rep to the side planks) Plus I'll be able to up the weights next time through. I've tried DB split squats before but not very enthusiastically. Why do we avoid what is good for us just because it hurts? Absolute focus on form on each rep, with Bill's remembered comments in my ear. Forgot to time it all, which I want to start doing.
Heating pad shoulder stretch a.m. & p.m.
Friday, August 29, 2008
At IFAST- Wednesday, August 27
Bill ran me through some soft tissue lacrosse ball and foam roller work and some mobility-based warm up movements. Then we went through all the exercises I'll do in the 4 week program he wrote. The mobilization warm ups are done daily, and there are two weight workouts that alternate, along with two energy system options on non-lifting days. One is a kettlebell swing ladder that looks like a ton of fun.
It was interesting to get coached, both to learn new movements and exercises and to see the correct way to do familiar ones. I guess it's human nature to make work easier to an extent, and after taking out all the 'helping' body motion and getting the movement done only by the target muscles at a controlled pace and tempo makes a gigantic difference in the overall effect. Take 1 arm dumbbell rows. I could crank out sets of 8-10 with 80#, now I'm using 50# at most and feeling it much harder. Form matters. A lot.
I soaked up at much as I could take in, Bill made sure I was okay with the program, and I drove back home for an afternoon back at work. I'm eager to start it all!
I am utterly convinced this approach, while a little late, is a great idea. If you've ever considered having a trainer, do it. You won't be sorry, you'll save time, get better results, and learn how to keep away from injury. If you're within striking distance of IFAST, you can't do better.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Why Rebuild 2.0?
The Dark Age.
I was overweight and had had an ominous physical exam. It made me mad. I took stock of what had gotten me where I was and began learning what to do instead.
The Age Of Enlightenment.
I learned about food and its relation to health, and started weight training and also resumed running. Two years and 70 pounds later, Rebuild 1.0 was complete. Insert several happy and healthy years here. Fitness and nutrition remain a very interesting topic for me and I still am learning about them.
The Deconstruction Age.
Self-taught aggressively heavy weight training is a bad idea. I have the bad shoulder to prove it. Lots of high mileage months on county roads is also a bad idea, at least for my hip. Wavering commitment to solid nutrition- bad idea. Ten-fifteen pounds to go.
Enter Rebuild 2.0.
Getting smarter with age I have finally decided to work with a trainer. I got me a good one too- Bill Hartman, co-owner with Mike Robertson of IFAST in Indianapolis, an hour and a half trek for me. My first visit was for an hour-long assessment which revealed just how bad my shoulder is (When Bill Hartman looks at you and says "It's real bad", you believe him.) along with a few other weaknesses that will all be addressed.
So- here we go...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday August 26, 2008
Brisk 20 minute walk, then
4 times through 10 reps each of:
Body weight squats
Offset stance push ups
Side planks
Alternate left and right side planks each time through.
15 minute warm up run, then 10 hill sprints of about 70 yards each, 10 minute cool down run, with 1 extra hill sprint for fun.
A.M. & P.M. heating pad shoulder stretch for 20 minutes each time.
Monday August 25
20 minute brisk walk, then
4 times through 10 reps each of:
Body weight squats
Push ups
Side planks
Push ups done with one hand about a foot in front of the other, alternate hand position each set.
Side planks held for 30 seconds
Circuit: 6 times through, 10 reps each set. Minimal rest between sets.
BB Clean 135
Weighted Push Up 35 (Wearing backpack with 35# plate)
Step Ups 50 (5 reps each side, with 25# DB)
Inverted Body Weight Rows
Worked up a great sweat. Got interrupted with a phonecall, then resumed and finished.
Shoulder heating pad stretch for 20 minutes a.m. & p.m.