Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday Dec 31- Workout A

Ball/Roller work, mobility warm up.

1-Snatch grip rack pull- warm up, 5X135,205,2X225,275,295

2a-DB row-warm up,5X45,70
2b-Back lunge-w-u, 4X35

3a- Side lying ext rotation-8X15,15,15
3b-Planks w/leg raise-12,12/each

Notes: Not too fired up tonight, despite wearing my Ross Training beanie, which usually adds some starch to my efforts. Still, got it done.

Last workout of the year. A great time to reflect on the past 12 months- triumphs, disappointments, great ideas followed through or abandoned, weight gained and lost, weights lifted and weights still on the ground. And time to redesign my goals for the next 12. I've been thinking about that and want to make some positive changes. Life goes on, let's do our best!

Happy New Year!!

Tuesday Dec 30- Bodyweight circuit

Targeted drills, KB circuit


Warm up,

Burpees,jumping jacks, split jacks, mountain climbers

10 each X 4

Notes: Ain't that huff enough?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday Dec 28- Workout B

Targeted drills, KB circuit.

Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1-BB Floor press- warm up 10Xbar,100,2X190

2a-Front squat-warm up 5Xbar,95,1X135
2b- Swiss ball push up-8,8,8,8

3a-Incline prone Y-10X10,10
3b- Plank w/leg raise-12,12

Notes: Actually a little sore from yesterday's impromptu workout, but still made it through here as planned. Side planks w/leg raise really really really suck and I hate them.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Dec 28- Spontaneous lifting

Between sitting on my butt watching football and having done not much more yesterday I suddenly found myself warming up and heading into the weightroom.

I wound up doing 10X10 of 135# trapbar deads alternated with weighted push ups, done wearing a backpack with a 25# plate in it.

Now, back to football!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday Dec 26- Workout A

Merry Christmas!!

Targeted drills

Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1-Snatch grip rack pull- warm up- 5X135,185, 2X225, 1X275,295

2a-DB row-warm up 5X45,70
2b- Back lunge-warm up 5X35

3a-Side ext rotation-10X15,15,15
3b-Side bridge w/leg raise-12,12

Notes: I like this one. Seems i like any workout that includes deadlifting. Side bridges with leg raises are for the eternally cursed.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday Dec 24- Workout B

Ball/roller work, bodyweight/KB warm up.

1- BB Floor press- warm up 10Xbar,5X100,130,4X170, 1X230

2a-Front squat-warm up 4Xbar,115,
2b-Swiss ball push up-12,12,12

3a- Incline prone Y-10X8,10,10
3b- Plank w/leg raise-12,12,12

Notes: Running very late and abbreviated warm up this once. Did well though, including a PR in BP during warm up! Did nothing yesterday after falling on my ass on the ice and torquing my back a little.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday Dec 22- Workout A


Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1- Snatch grip rack pull- warm up 5X135,185 4X225,1X275,295


2a-DB Row-warm up 5X45,70


2b- Back lunge-4X35


3a-Side external rotation-8X12,15,15

3b-Side plank w/leg raise-12,12

Notes: 325# rack pulls, 100# DB rows, life is good. Side planks w/leg raise are the curse of the damned.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday Dec 19- Workout B


Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1- Floor press- warm up- 10Xbar(50)5X100,130,4X160

2a- Front squat- warm up 5Xbqr,4X95,115

2b- Swiss ball push up- 10,10,10

3a- Incline prone Y-12X5,8,8
3b- Plank w/leg raise-10,10,10

Notes: Felt good tonight. A little heavier here and there. The cortisone is making a little difference also, definitely less pain in general. No a.m. session because I stayed up way too late watching the Colts win. Go Colts!

Thursday Dec 18- KB Iitervals


KB Circuit, targeted drills.


Short, light KB circuit.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday Dec 17- Workout A

Targeted drills, KB circuit


Ball/roller work, warm up.

1- Snatch grip rack pulls- 5X135,4X185,215,2X265

2a-DB Row-5X45,52,
2b- Back lunge-5X25,

3a-Side ext rotation-12X10,12,12
3b-Side plank w/leg raise-10/side,10

Notes: Rack pulls felt great. Much smoother with the lunges now, no knee probs. Formformform! Side planks with leg raise are the Devil's doing.

Tuesday Dec 16- KB intervals

Warm up,
1 arm KB swings, 1 arm KB cleans- 5/side, switch
4 rounds of 15 each side w/20K bell

Notes: Had another appt with the Orthopod this morning for shoulder rehab review. (Thus the lack of an a.m. session.) He was as frustrated as I am at the plateau of progress. We discussed options and decided on a couple of shots of cortisone. He says within a few days it ought to feel a lot better, and I hope it does. Constant pain has a way of wearing on a person. The range of motion is improved from Bill's work, PT sessions and daily home exercises but is still far from restored. I have one more PT session early next month and we'll see where things are at that point.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Dec 15- Workout B

A.M.- KB Circuit


Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1- BB Floor press- warm up, 10Xbar,5X95,115,135 4X165

2a- Front squat-5Xbar,4X95,115
2b- Swiss ball push up-

3a-Incline prone Y-12X5,5,5
3b- Plank w/leg raise-10,10,10

Notes: Missed a workout on friday because of driving all day. Felt it today, too, but still not too bad. Onward!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday Dec 11- Intervals


Targeted drills, KB circuit.


KB circuit.

Notes: Did an abbreviated version as I had to get ready to leave town in the morning. Going to North Carolina again to visit with family. This will be my Holiday visit since I can't get away during Christmas. Time with family is always well spent and I very much look forward to this trip. And I hope you can get together with your loved ones.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wed Dec 10- Workout B

KB circuit, targeted drills


Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1- BB Floor press- warm up 5Xbar,100,120,155

2a- Front squat-warm up 3Xbar,95,115
2b- Swiss ball push up- 8,8

3a-Incline prone Y-12X5,5
3b- Plank w/leg raise-10,10

Notes: First run through of this workout. Glad to do front squats again. Planks are not easy. I guess that's the idea. Duh! Trading in the morning power wheel work for light KB circuits for the month.

Tuesday Dec 9- Intervals

Power wheel roll outs, targeted drills.


Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

KB swing/clean circuit
2 min/2 min rest X 4

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday Dec 8- Workout A

Same as it always was.


Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

1- Snatch grip rack pulls- 3X135,205,225

2a- DB Row-5X45's
2b- Back lunge-5X20's

3a-Side lying ext rotation- 15X10,10
3b-Side bridge w/leg raise-10,10 each side

Notes: First go with the new program. Snatch grip tests grip strength big time, need work there.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Dec 5- Establishing 1 Rep Max

Power wheel roll outs, targeted drills.

Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

Squat- 8Xbar,5X95,3X135,

Bench- 8Xbar (Swiss bar=50) 5X100,2X140

Deadlift- 8Xbar,3X135,1X205,225,missX345,1X345

Notes: New ground for me and fun! Totalled 840. Maybe could have gone a little heavier with squat, but no way to safely drop the bar without a cage. Tried 355 on the DL but no way. So now I have a baseline to start from.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday Dec 2- Bodyweight Circuits


Power wheel rollouts, side planks, targeted drills.


Burpees, jumping jacks, split jacks, mountain climbers
3 rounds.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday December 1- Deadlifting

Power wheel rollouts, side planks, targeted rills.

Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.

Deadlift- 5X135,185,2X225,275,295,4X305
Trap bar DL- 2X180, 5X225,225,275,275

Notes: Wanted to lift heavy stuff and also try out the new trap bar, which I like a lot.