Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2/10- Squats

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Strength work-

1) BB squats- warm up sets- 5 X bar, 100, 120
8 X 140, 160,  6 X 180, 190  4 X 200,  210

2/9- Unscheduled off day

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2/8- Sledge, KB, intervals

Done in 5 sets of 20 each-
100 sledge swings
100 24K KB swings

Aerdyne-  2' easy, then 30" hard, 30" easy X 8, 2' easy

Road bike in trainer- 20' mostly moderate

Saturday, February 7, 2015

2/7- Deads & arms

It's my 59th birthday. Time to lift like that don't matter.

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Strength work-

1) Hex bar deadlift-  warm up sets- 10 X 140, 5 X 190, 210
8 X 230, 250, 255, 260  3 X 280, 300, 300

2) DB Curl- 10 X 50, 8 X 60, 70, 80, 80
Drop set- 8 X 80, 70, 60, 10 X 50

3) DB skull crushers- 8 X 50, 60, 70, 80
4) Tri press downs-  8 X 75,  75, 75, 75
5) Close grip push ups- 10 X 4

2/6- Intervals

Aerdyne-  2' easy, then 1' hard, 1' easy X 6, 2' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy to moderate

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2/5- BP

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Strength work-
1) Swiss bar BP- warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 180, 180
5 X 190, 200,  3 X 210  1 X 230, 230
Drop set- 3 X 210, 200, 190

2) Weighted push up w/feet elevated- 4 X 10  

2/4- Off day

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/3- Intervals

Aerdyne-  3' easy, then 1' hard, 1' easy X 6, 2' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy to moderate

Monday, February 2, 2015

2/2- Squats

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Strength work-

1) BB squats- warm up sets- 5 X bar, 100, 120
8 X 140, 160,  6 X 180, 190  4 X 200,  210 3 X 220, 230

Sunday, February 1, 2015

2/1- Deads, arms

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Strength work-
1) Hex bar deadlift-  warm up sets- 10 X 140, 5 X 190, 210
8 X 230, 250, 255, 255

2) DB curls- 10 X 50, 8 X 60, 70,80, 80
Drop set- 8 X 80, 70, 60, 10 X 50

3) DB skull crushers- 8 X 50, 60, 70, 6 X 80, 8 X 70
Drop set- 8 X 70, 10 X 60, 50

4) Close grip push ups- 4 sets of 10

Saturday, January 31, 2015

1/31- BP & Metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobilization

Strength work-

1) Swiss bar bench press- warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 175, 175
5 X 190, 200, 3 X 210,  1 X 230, 230, 230

Metabolic work-
No rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets-
4rounds of-

2a) 1 arm DB row- 8 X 90, 10 X 90, 100, 100
2b) weighted feet elevated push up- 10 X 35lb.

3a) DB fly- 10 X 80
3b) Kneeling wide grip pull down- 10 X 75, 85, 85, 85

1 hr. hike at state park.

1/30- Extra off day

1/29- Intervals

Aerdyne- 3' easy, then 1' hard, 1' easy X 6, then 3' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy to moderate

1/28- Off day

1/27- Intervals

Aerdyne-  3' easy, 1' hard, 1' easy, X 6,  3' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy to moderate.

Monday, January 26, 2015

1/26- Squats and metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Strength work-

1) BB squat- warm up sets- 5 X bar,  100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 170, 175

Metabolic work-  
No rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets-
4 rounds of-

2a) DB step ups-  10 X 60 each leg
2b) Swiss ball push up & pike

3a) KB swings- 20 X 24K bell
3b) jump rope- 100

Aerdyne- 2' easy, 30" hard 30" easy X 6, 3' easy.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

1/25- Upper workout

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weigfht squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobilization
10 X 25 halos

Strength work-

1) Safety bar BP- warm up sets-   10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 180,  180, 190
4 X 210, 210, 210, 220

2) DB fly-  8 X 80, 80, 80, 80

3) 1 Arm DB rows- 8 X 90, 90, 100, 100

4) DB military press- 10 X 50, 60, 8 X 70, 80, 80, 6 X 90, 90

5) DB curl-  8 X 50, 60, 70, 80, 80
Drop set-  8 X 80, 6 X 70, 60, 10 X 50

6) Tri press down- 8 X 70, 70, 75, 75,

7) Close grip push up- 4 X 10

1/24- Hike

Hiked for an hour on Griffy lake trails.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

1/23- Intervals

KB swings- 4 X 10 X 24K bell with little rest

Aerdyne intervals- 3' easy, 1' hard, 1' easy X 6, 2' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy to moderate spinning.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

1/22- Squat and metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of-
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobility

Strength work-

1)BB Squats- warm up sets- 5 X bar, 100, 120
8 X 140, 160, 160, 160

Metabolic work-
No rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets-

4 rounds of-

2a) DB burpees- 10 X 50
2b) Med ball slams- 12 X 20 lb. ball

3a) KB swings- 20 X 24K
3b) Jump rope- 100


Aerdyne- 2' easy, then 30' hard 30' easy X 6, then 2' easy.

Notes-  Time, 1'10"    

1/21- Off day

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1/20- Progressive KB swings, intervals

5 rounds of 5 swings with 16K, 20K, 24K, 32K 
No rest between bells, 1' rest between sets

Aerdyne intervals- 2' easy, 1' hard 1' easy X 6, 2' easy.
Road bike in trainer- 20' moderate to easy.

Monday, January 19, 2015

1/19- BP & Metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
12 push ups
10 clean & press w/ Oly bar
Shoulder mobilization

Strength work-

1) Swiss bar bench press- warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 170, 175

Metabolic work-
no rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets-
4 rounds of-
2a) 1 arm DB row- 10 X 80, 80, 90, 90
2b) weighted feet elevated push ups-  10 X 35 lbs., feet on milk crate

4 rounds of-
3a) DB fly- 10 X 80
3b) Kneeling wide grip pulldown- 10 X 80, 90, 90, 

Interval work-
Aerdyne intervals- 2' easy, then 30" hard 30" easy X 6, 2' easy
C2 rower- 10' easy w/ 3 or 4 30" sprints, 1865 meters

Notes-  Time just over an hour. Despite the emphasis right now being fat loss, I wanted to keep strength work going so integrated some met work into that as a trial, and I enjoyed this. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

1/18- Deads and Metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups
10 clean & press w/empty Oly bar

Strength work-

1) Hex bar deads- warm up sets- 5 X 140, 190
8 X 210, 230, 260, 260, 260

Metabolic work- No rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets
4 rounds of-

2a) DB step ups- 10 X 60 each leg
2b) swiss ball push up/pike- 10

3a) Clean & press- 5, 6, 6, 6 X 100
3b) Med ball slams- 12 X 20 lb ball

Aerdyne intervals- 2' easy, then 30" hard, 30" easy X 6, 3' easy.

Notes-    Time- 1'15"   Hitting a nice groove now and making progress.

1/17- Unscheduled off day

Unscheduled off day. Got caught up in too many things to get done and decided at some point there was no time. This is my fault and will not be a pattern.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

1/16- Intervals and LSD

Aerdyne intervals-  3' easy, then 1' hard, 1' easy X 6, then 3'easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy to moderate spinning.

1/15- Off

Rest day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1/14- KB Swing breathing ladder

24K kettlebell-

Swing 1 time, put KB down and take 1 breath, swing 2 times, put bell down and breath 2 times, up to 15, then back down. It gets challenging to keep the breaths on track after about 12 reps or so. I plan to progress this to 20 reps. Great time efficient work out. Huff!

1/13- Intervals & LSD

Warm up-

2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups


Aerdyne-  3' easy, then 1'hard, 1'easy X 6, then 3' easy
Road bike in trainer- 15' easy

Monday, January 12, 2015

1/12- Squats and Metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of-
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups
10 1 arm KB swings, 5 X each arm w/ 16K

Strength work-

BB Squats- warm up 5 X bar, 95, 115, 135
8 X 155, 175, 180, 180

Metabolic work-
No rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets

4 rounds of
DB burpees- 10 X 50
Med ball slams- 12 X 20 lb. ball

4 rounds of
KB swings- 20
Rope skips- 100


Aerdyne- 2' easy, then 30" hard 30" easy X 6, then 5 minutes easy.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

1/11- BP, rows & arms

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 bodyweight squats
10 push ups
10 clean and press with empty oly bar

Shoulder mobilization.

Strength work-

1a) Safety bar BP-  warm up sets 10 X bar, 100, 120, 140
8 X 160,170, 180,  190

1b) 1 arm DB rows- warm up sets- 10 X 45, 5 X 80
8 X 90, 90, 100, 100

2a) weighted push ups-  35 X 8, 8, 8, 8
2b) supermans-  8, 8, 8, 8

3) DB military press-  10 X 50,   8 X 60, 70,    6 X 80, 80, 90

 4) DB curls- 10 X 50,  8 X 60, 70, 80, 80
Drop set- 8 X 80, 6 X 70, 60,  10 X 50

5) Tri press down- 8 X  80, 80, 80, 80, 80
6) Close grip push ups-  10, 10, 10, 10

Notes-   Time- about 1'30". No plan here, just winging together an upper body workout after a week of metabolic emphasis.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

1/10- Deads and metabolic

Warm up- 
2 rounds of
20 Jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups
10 clean & press with oly bar

Strength work-

1) Hex bar deads-  warm up sets- 10 X 140, 5 X 190, 210, 230
8 X 260, 270, 270, 275

Metabolic work-

No rest in between exercises, minimal rest between sets-

4 rounds of
2a) DB step ups- 10 X 60 each leg
2b) swiss ball push up/jacknife- 10

4 rounds of
3a) KB swing- 20 X  24K
3b) jump rope-100

4) Aerdyne intervals-  2' easy, then 30" hard, 30" easy X 6
5) C2 Rower-  15' easy with a few 30" sprints, 2654 meters

Time- 1'30". Second time for this workout, might become a standby for met work.
Took yesterday off due to a taxing week at work.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

1/8- Intervals & LSD

Aerdyne intervals-  3' easy, then 1' sprint, 1' easy X 6, 2' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy/moderate spinning

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1/6- Squats & Metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobilization

Strength work-

1) BB Squats- Warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 95, 115, 135
8 X 155, 175, 185, 185

Metabolic work-
 4 rounds- no rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets
2a) DB burpee- 10 X 50
2b) Body weight row- 10

4 rounds- no rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets
3a) KB swing- 20 X 24K
3b) Rope swings- 100

4) Aerdyne intervals-  2' warm up, then 30" hard, 30" easy X 6, 2' cool down
Road bike in trainer- 12' easy spin

Notes-      Time 1'10"   Not too zingy after a lot of hard work at work, cut squats a little short and hit the met work as hard as I could.  Off day tomorrow.

Monday, January 5, 2015

1/5- Intervals & LSD

Aerdyne intervals-  2' easy, then 1' sprint, 1' easy X 6, 2' easy
Road bike in trainer- 20' easy/moderate spinning

This is a method I picked up from some pretty smart trainers. The idea behind this work is the hard intervals mobilize fat from storage, which then circulates in the blood. Normally it would return to storage when it is not needed, but the steady easy to moderate effort, in this case spinning, burns it off as fuel.

I'll buy that, anyhow.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

1/4- Deads & Metabolic workout

Warm up- 
2 rounds of
20 Jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups
10 clean & press with oly bar

Strength work-

1) Hex bar deads-  warm up sets- 5 X 140, 190, 210, 230
8 X 260, 270, 270, 275

Metabolic work-

No rest in between exercises, minimal rest between sets-

4 rounds of
2a) DB step ups- 10 X 60 each leg
2b) swiss ball push up/jacknife- 10

4 rounds of
3a) KB swing- 20 X  24K
3b) jump rope-100

4) Aerdyne intervals-  2' easy, then 30" hard, 30" easy X 6
5) C2 Rower-  15' easy, 2609 meters

Notes-     About an hour. Once again forgot to track time, pretty bad about that on the weekends, but I do want that info for reference.  A good workout with plenty of huff, the type I will start switching over to more now. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

1/3- shoulders & arms

Warm up- 
2 rounds of-
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Working sets- 

1) DB Military press- warm up sets- 12 X 40,  10 X 50
8 X 60, 70, 80, 80, 90, 90, 90
2) Lateral raise- 8 X 30, 30, 40, 40, 40

3) DB curls- 8 X 50, 60, 70, 80, 80, 80
4) EZ bar curls-  8 X 70, 70, 80

5) Tri press-  8 X 80, 80, 80, 80, 80
6) Close grip push ups- 10, 10, 10, 10


Friday, January 2, 2015

1/2- BP, rows

Warm up- 
2 rounds of-
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobilization

Working sets-

Swiss bar bench press-
Warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 180, 180, 180
3 X 210, 220, 210, 210

DB triple press- 80 X 10, 10, 10
DB fly- 80 X 8, 8, 8, 8

1 arm DB row-each arm
8 X 80, 90, 100, 100, 100

Notes-  About an hour. Felt good- slightly heavier than last workout of the same, will vary some next time around.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

1/1/15- squats

Happy New Year!

Warm up-
 2 rounds of
20 Jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobilization

Working sets-

BB Back Squat-  warm up- 10 X bar, 5 X 95, 115, 135
8 X 155, 175, 185, 195, 195
3 X 215, 225, 230, 255

Stiff leg deads- warm up- 5 X 140
8 X 170, 180, 180, 180, 180

Added 30' walk late afternoon. 

Notes-  Didn't track time, likely an hour of lifting and rest.
It's interesting to me how weights can feel so different when squatting. A certain weight may feel heavy and unwieldy, but adding more to the bar can make me hit a nice groove and feel real good.  
Took yesterday completely off from exercise.