Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday Jan 24- Kettlebell Workshop at I-FAST

Went to a kettlebell workshop up in Indy at I-FAST that Bill Robertson put together. It was lead by Brett Jones, RKC Super-Deluxe Dude. He did a great job of presenting a whole lot of information on several basic movements. We covered:
Get up

All include some variation as well. This was a first for me, going to an all-day workshop. It was interesting and well-presented and i felt like as long as Brett wanted to talk, we would be able to learn from him. I also felt like he could have gone into far more detail on each of the moves than he did, but he gave us more than enough to learn safely and be confident with these moves. Now, to practice and build on them.

Two big lessons I learned was that with proper technique, as taught by Brett, the amount of weight on most moves didn't seem to matter. Heavy weight went up really pretty easily, a pleasant thing to feel.
Also I was pretty shocked at the improvement in the depth and comfort of my squat after just a few minutes of instruction on some simple stretches he showed us. The difference was pretty dramatic.

There's much more to the history and use and benefits of kettlebells than I was aware of, and I plan to keep using them and keep learning more as I can.

As they say, another tool in the toolbox, but this is a pretty dang good addition.

Thanks Brett and Bill!!

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