Tuesday, January 6, 2015

1/6- Squats & Metabolic

Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Shoulder mobilization

Strength work-

1) BB Squats- Warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 95, 115, 135
8 X 155, 175, 185, 185

Metabolic work-
 4 rounds- no rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets
2a) DB burpee- 10 X 50
2b) Body weight row- 10

4 rounds- no rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets
3a) KB swing- 20 X 24K
3b) Rope swings- 100

4) Aerdyne intervals-  2' warm up, then 30" hard, 30" easy X 6, 2' cool down
Road bike in trainer- 12' easy spin

Notes-      Time 1'10"   Not too zingy after a lot of hard work at work, cut squats a little short and hit the met work as hard as I could.  Off day tomorrow.

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