Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday Oct 31- Workout A- trial run
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills
Warm up
1- Sumo DL-
DL- 1X275
2a- Chest supported rows
2b Step ups
3a-Upper body step up
3b-Chop lift
Used this as a run through to set things up for the new program. Sumo deadlifting is very different and will take some getting used to. It feels a little strange to lift with arms between the knees instead of outside them, and the hips are in a different position too. So it's a new movement and i wanted to find a groove and know what to expect with some weight. I really want to crank on this by month's end. My bench doesn't work well for the chest supported rows, so I'll need to improvise something. The step ups and upper body step ups I'll do with cinder blocks, which work out to just about the right height.
Thursday Oct 30- Intervals
Power wheel rolls outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Intervals at the track.
Warm up, then
200 X8, then
15 minutes easy running.
I timed them for fun. 43,41,41,39,39,39,39, and the last rep is unknown since I clumsily hit the wrong button on the watch trying hard to break 39. Ever try to accurately hit a tiny button on your watch while busting ass?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Travel recap Oct 23-28
But it wasn't very fitness oriented either. Everything moves slowly at a retirement community and the food availability isn't always the best. So I went from an intense fat-burning regimen to a lackadaisical several days. The focus was to visit with loved ones and that was heart warming and wonderful.
Now- back to work!
I did do a little work out the morning I left, a SS of DB bench and DB rows. Other than that, I wasn't able to fit in a workout during the trip. On Monday when I got back I did the same SS, presses and rows. Tuesday night I did some deadlifting, working up to 5X5X225. Then on Wednesday I went back to I-FAST for the next session with Bill Hartman. The new program looks good and I'm set for a good month of progress.
I also have gone for an exam on my shoulder with an Orthopedic Dr, who says I have adhesive capsulitis and prescribed rounds of PT, which I started yesterday. Part of the nature of adhesive capsulitis is that it comes and goes on its own, so this problem may not be self-inflicted as I have thought after all. Between Bill's program and the PT's exercises I have plenty of stretching to do and have high hopes for getting past this as fast as possible.
To restate my goals from my initial contact with I-FAST- get shoulder healthy, get leaner, get stronger. I've made progress with all three, so I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing. I have better mobility and far less pain in my shoulder, I lost 15 pounds with last month's effort, and the bar weights are going up each programming cycle. I'm planning to make strength the focus of November.
Here we go...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wednesday Oct 22- Travel break
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
P.M.- Realized I had way too much to do to get ready to leave town early morning, so sadly did no workout. I'll probably get a chance to do something or other down there and will if I can.
Very much looking forward to a good family visit.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday Oct 21- Intervals
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills
Intervals at the cross country course. Warm up, then
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy X4
5 minutes easy
20 minutes moderate
Notes: That group of kids was there again, lead by adults through some running games. Looks like they're having a ball and getting good exercise too, which is great.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday Oct 20- Workout A-2
Power wheel roll outs, side planks, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Squats- warm up, 5X bar,95,115,3X135,165
2- RDL & elevated side plank-
12 reps RDL 3X15 sec elevated planks each side in rounds for 10 minutes-
3 rounds plus RDL
3- DB(35's) step ups & KB(70#) Swing-
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes-
4 rounds.
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up,
1 minute sprint,
2 minutes easy
Notes: I did in fact take an extra day off. I was worn down and worn out. It did wonders, and now- back to it for one more week. And a short one at that- I'm travelling to North Carolina for a long weekend.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday Oct 17- Workout C
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- deadlift- warm up 5X135,165, 3X185
2- Push up & prone jackknife/sumo dl high pull(65)
8 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
3- DB(35's) squat & push up/inverted row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals- 1 minute warm up, then;
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy X6
Notes: Another rare chance to workout at mid-morning. Working a half day tomorrow, so switched this morning off for that. Also I got a few extra hours sleep and man- what a difference- I feel great! the deads were fun, and added some weight and rounds here and there. progress!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday Oct 16- Intervals
Targeted drills, power wheel rollouts, side planks
Intervals at the cross country course. Warm up, then
1 minute sprint,2 minutes easy X 4
5 minutes easy,
20 minutes moderate run.
Notes: Considering an extra off day to recoup a little. There was a group of young kids running at the course tonight, and playing some kind of running games as a group with a coach. They were laughing and running around and having a ball. Good for them!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday Oct 15- Workout B 2
20 minute walk, Targeted drills, power wheel rollouts, side planks.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- DB incline press- warm up 6X35,40,45
1b- DB rows- warm up, 6X35,40,45
2-RDL(135) & Raised side plank (hold 15 sec, rest 5)
12 RDL/3 planks each side in rounds for 10 minutes- 3 rounds + RDL
3- DB(25'2) Step ups & KB(70#) swings-
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up, then
2 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy
Notes: Subbed raised side plank reps for side planks with leg raise because it was killing my hip to do them that way, and these raised ones are a bear. Been pretty fried for several days now(duh) but at some point tonight I really perked up and went at it hard. Feelin' groovy!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tuesday Oct 14- Intervals
Targeted drills, power wheel rolls outs, side planks.
At the cross country course-
warm up, then
sprint one minute
easy two minutes
easy 5 minutes, then
20 minute moderate run.
Notes: No doubt about it, I far prefer running intervals on the grass to anywhere else. Rolling soft hilly ground is great. Pretty and interesting to see, and the best form of intense work also. Here's hoping for good weather on tuesdays and thursdays!
Monday Oct 13- Workout A
20 minute walk, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Squat- warm up, 5X115,115,1X135
2- push up & prone jackknife/sumo dl high pull (60#)
8 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 9 rounds
3-DB(35's)squat & push up/inverted row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 7 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up,
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy
Notes: I subbed the sumo dl high pull for backward lunge/row because my knees have bothering me on lunges.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday Oct 11- Intervals
20 minute walk, targeted drills.
At the local HS track-
warm up,
Sprint 1 minute, 2 minutes walk/easy jog
5 minutes walk
20 minutes moderate running.
Notes: This was fun. Haven't been to the track for awhile and it was interesting to run it by time instead of distance. There was also a very nice active young family there kicking a football around and having fun running around with their kids, which was great to see.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday Oct 10- Workout C2
20 minute brisk walk, targeted drills.
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Deadlift- warm up 5X115,135,
2- RDL(125)/side plank w/leg raise
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
3- DB(25's) step up/KB(70#) swing
12 each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute hard, 2 easy X 6
5- Prone body gasp
Notes: My butt= whupped.
Thursday Oct 9- Intervals
Targeted mobility drills.
Sprinting on the cross country course-
Warm up,
1 minute sprint, 2 minutes easy X 4
5 minutes easy
20 minutes moderate.
Notes: Beautiful day out. Ran shirtless because I forgot to pack a tshirt, felt great to be in the sun.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday Oct 8- Workout B2
Targeted drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Incline DB press warm up 5X35,40,45
1b- DB row- warm up 5X35,40,45
2-Push up & prone jackknife w/feet on ball/DB(30's)back lunge & row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 7 rounds
3-DB (35's) squat & push up/inverted row w/feet elevated
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up
2 minutes hard
2 minutes easy
times 3
2 minutes cool down
Notes: Feeling a little spent this week, hope to recharge.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesday Oct 7- Intervals at home
15 minute walk, targeted drills.
Ball/ roller work, mobility warm up.
Airdyne- 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy
C2- 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy
6 rounds
5 minutes airdyne easy,
5 minutes airdyne moderate
5 minutes C2 moderate
2 rounds
Notes: Rainy cold drab day out, so hit the torture machinery at home. Not anywhere near as good (or fun) as running outside. Hopefully it will be nicer out on thursday. I'd rather shave my head with a cheese grater than grind away on machines, but switching back and forth keeps it interesting.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monday Oct 6- Workout A2
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1- Front squats- warm up, 5Xbar,96,3X115,1X135
2- RDL(115)(120 last 2 rounds)/Side plank w/leg raise
12 reps of each in rounds for 10 minutes- 4 rounds
3- DB(25's) step ups/KB(70#) swings
12 of each for rounds in 10 minutes- 5 rounds, last 12 swings done after time was up
4- Airdyne intervals-
1 minute warm up,
1 minute hard, 2 easy, X6
Notes: Felt a little bleh getting started, but it got a little easier after the squats. Added a little weight here and there and still upped the rounds. Dude!
Still waiting for my Top Squat to arrive, very eager to back squat again!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A measurable difference

Without a doubt the biggest single change in my training in the past two months has been getting organized and having a specific plan to follow. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the plan I'm now following has been designed by Bill Hartman, a person Alwyn Cosgrove has tabbed "The smartest man in the fitness industry" either. My point is that having a well designed customized program that includes a targeted goal and also the progression needed to reach that goal, (and thus set up the next one) is far better than just 'working out'.
The same goes for the nutrition portion of training and goals. Having a specific amount of food to eat, in specific macros and at specific times makes all the difference when compared to trying to 'eat clean'. Measuring your food, like doing the exact number of exercise reps with perfect form and appropriate loading, will make or break your progress. Leigh Peele has a video that makes this point very well. So now I use measuring cups and got a digital scale, and I use them regularly. Geeky? Maybe, but this way I know what I'm eating is what I'm supposed to be eating, no more and no less. It takes both inaccuracy and momentary gluttonous greed out of the whole affair. You eat what is RX'd, period. Do this each day and watch Mr. Scale become your friend again.
Saturday Oct 4- Intervals
At the cross country course:
5 minute warm up then
1 minute sprint
2 minutes easy X4
5 minutes recover
20 minutes LSD.
Notes: Fall has settled into southern Indiana. The air is crisp, the trees are just starting to turn, and a beautiful day like today seems even better for knowing their kind are limited. nice day to run around outside.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday Oct 3- Workout C
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1-Paused deads- warm up 5X115,135
2- Push-up & prone jacknife with feet on ball/DB(30's)back lunge & row
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 7 rounds
3- DB(35's) push up & squat/inverted row with feet elevated
6 reps each in rounds for 10 minutes- 8 rounds
4- Airdyne intervals- 1 minute warm up- 1 minute hard, 2 minutes easy X 6, 2 minutes cool down.
Notes: Another rockin' good time. Increased rounds 2 & 3 by one each over last session. Deads felt great too, a smooth groove after my first coaching on them by Bill at I-FAST last week.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday Oct 2- Intervals
20 minute brisk walk, targeted drills
Running at the cross country course.
Warm up, then
1 minute hard
2 minutes easy
times 4
5 minutes easy
20 minutes LSD
Notes: So far, two weeks into this calorie deficit nutrition plan I really have no complaints. Except for brief periods here and there I really have had no hunger or cravings worth mentioning, and my energy has been very good. in short- it rocks! I'll weigh and measure this Sunday to see where I'm at.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday Oct 1- Workout B
Targeted mobility drills
Ball/roller work, mobility warm up.
1a- Incline DB press- warm up, 5X35,40
1b- DB row-warm up 5X35,40
2- RDL(115#) & Side plank w/leg raise
12 reps each for ten minutes- 4 rounds, plus 1 extra RDL
3- Step up(25's) & KB(24K) Swing
12 reps each for ten minutes- 5 rounds.
4- airdyne intervals- 2 minutes warm up
2 minutes hard
2 minutes easy
times 3
2 minutes cool down.
Notes: I'm diggin' this deal. You get strength work, two challenging rounds of alternating exercises, and interval finishers. All in about the same time as a standard workout. I'm doing my diligence here: fat cells beware! It felt good to bench press again too.