Wednesday, March 30, 2016

3/30- Back

Warm up-
20 KB swings-  16K, 16K, 20K, 20K, 20K

1) Hex bar deadlift- warm up sets- 10 X 160, 8 X 190, 6 X 210
230 X 8, 8, 8, 8

2)  1 arm DB rows- reps each arm- warm up set- 6 X 60
80 X 8, 8,   90 X 8, 8

3) Seated cable rows-
90 X 10, 140 X 8, 8, 8

Cable rows are new for me. I can do them now with the new rack and I'll have to sort out a good weight range, but it's good to add them as an option.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3/29- Chest

Warm up-  5 rounds of-
20 16K KB swings
10 push ups

1) Incline DB bench press- warm up sets- 10 X 30, 8 X 35, 6 X 40, 6 X 45
60 X 8, 8, 8, 8

2) Incline safety bar bench press-
160 X 3, 3, 140 X 8, 8

3) Flat safety bar bench press-
160 X 8, 8, 8, 10

4) Weighted Push Ups-
45 X 8, 8, 8, 8

3/27-28- Off, New equipment

No workouts for two days, but maybe for the best reason there is. I got a new power rack with high/low pulley set up in excellent used condition locally on Craigslist. Pretty happy about that. I'll post more about my home gym at some point, but for now I spent two days clearing out the old bench I had, reorganizing the space and setting up the new equipment. Now- to put it to use!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

3/26- Back

Warm up- 5 X 20 X 16K KB swings

1) Hex bar deadlift-  warm up sets-  10 X 160, 8 X 190, 6 X 210
8 X 230, 230, 230, 230 

2) 1 arm DB row- reps each arm- warm up set- 6 X 60
8 X 80, 80, 80, 80

3) BB row-
8 X 160, 160, 160, 160

3/22- 25 Off

Not really sure what's going on, but I've been crapped out lately and feel working out is a bad idea.

Monday, March 21, 2016

3/21- Chest & Tri

Warm up-  5 rounds of
20 16K KB swings
10 push ups

1) Incline BD bench press- warm up sets- 10 X 30, 8 X 35, 6 X 40, 6 X 45
60 X 6, 8, 8 

2) Incline safety bar bench press-
145 X 4, 6, 8 

3) Flat safety bar bench press-
165 X 6, 8, 6

4) Close grip bench press-
120 X 6, 8, 8

5) DB Skull crushers-
30 X 8, 8, 8

3-15-20- Off

Almost a week off. Had no juice, guess I needed a break. So I took one. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

3/14- Chest

Warm up-   5 rounds of
20 16K KB swings
10 push ups

1) Incline DB bench press- warm up sets- 10 X 30, 8 X 35, 6 X 40, 6 X 45
60 X 8, 65 X 8, 10

2) Incline safety bar bench press-
160 X 5, 6, 6

3) Flat safety bar bench press-
190 X 5, 5, 5, 5

4) Flat DB flys- 
40 X 8, 8, 8

Sunday, March 13, 2016

3/13- Legs 10 X 3

Warm up- 
5 X 20 16K KB swings

1) BB squat- warm up sets- 5 X bar, 10 X 100, 8 X 130, 6 X 160, 4 X 190, 1 X 210
3 X 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 225, 225, 230, 230

2) Stiff leg deads- 
190 X 8, 200 X 8, 8, 8

More 10 X 3, and I like it. Yesterday I said antagonistic supersets, and if course what I meant by that was non-competing straight sets. There. Sometimes words are hard.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

3/12- Deads & Bench 10 X 3

Warm up-
5 X 20 16K KB swings

1) Hex bar deads- warm up sets- 10 X 190, 6 X 210, 2 X 260
3 X 280, 290, 290, 290, 300, 300, 300, 305, 305, 305

2) Safety bar bench press- warm up sets- 10 X bar, 100, 8 X 120, 6 X 140, 4 X 160
3 X 190, 190, 190, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200,

Trying out a set/rep idea, 10 X 3 heavy sets. A little less rest between sets than with 6-8 rep range and more weight. I sure get a charge out of seeing the weight go up. I'll try splitting this up with antagonistic supersets for a week or so and see how it goes. Onward!

3/9-11 Off

Spring- Yay!
hay fever- crap!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

3/8- Legs

Warm up- 
5 X 20 16K KB swings

BB squat- warm up sets- 10 X 100, 8 X 120, 6 X 140, 2 X 160, 1 X 170
180 X 8, 190 X 8, 210 X 8, 8

3/7- Off

Sunday, March 6, 2016

3/6- Chest (For real)

Warm up- 5 rounds of
20 16K KB swings
10 push ups

1) Incline DB press- warm up sets- 10 X 35, 8 X 40, 6 X 45, 4 X 55
65 X 8, 8, 70 X 6, 6, 75 X 5,4

2) Flat DB press-
70 X 8, 8, 8

3) Flat BB press-
140 X 10, 160 X 6, 10

4) Cable crossovers- 50 X 8, 55 X 8, 8

5) Dips- 6, 4, 6

Done at the gym, which was interesting. It's a grungy hole in the wall place, which serves me well for right now. It's clean, it's cheap, it's close, and not many other people there. In fact I almost had it to myself which is great for a newbie. I could wander and try things uninhibited. Still gathering my opinion about a gym membership, but I do like the wider options it offers, and not being distracted by stuff at home keeps me better focused, I got done quicker there than at home. Also, this workout rocked, great upper push work.

3/5- Chest, cut short

Frustrated to have to stop this workout because it was the first in a gym I'm trying out. I work out at home mostly and have gotten curious about the exercises that equipment I don't own can offer. So I bought a 1 month pass to a local joint to try it out. I got this far-

1) Incline DB press- warm up sets- 10 X 30, 8 X 35, 40, 6 X 45, 4 X 55
65 X 8, 70 X 6...

This was about 3 p.m., then my phone rang and I had to go in to work and didn't finish until after 9. I did a few quick cable crossovers at 50# since that's one of the ones I'm curious about.

3/4- Off day

Ok, move along- nothing to see here...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

3/3- Intervals

5 rounds of-
20 16K KB swings

500 meter row- 2:16, 2:11, 2:09, 2:02, 2:00

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3/2- Upper body

Warm up- 5  20 16K KB swings

1) Incline DB bench press- warm up sets- 35 X 10, 40 X 8, 45 X 6
60 X 10, 8, 10

2) Flat safety bar bench press-
170 X 8, 180 X  6, 6

30 Barbell curls- warm up sets- 10 X bar, 8 X 70, 6 X 80, 1 X 95
100 X 6, 6,  6

4) Close grip safety bar bench press-
120 X 8, 130 X 8, 10

5) DB curls- 
40 X 6, 8, 8

6) EZ bar skull crusher- 
70 X  7, 8, 8

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1- Shoulders

Warm up-
5 X 20 16K KB swings

1) BB shoulder press- warm up sets- 10 X bar, bar, 8 X 70, 6 X 80, 4 X 90
100 X 6, 8, 110 X 6, 8

2) Side lateral DB raise-
15 X 6, 20 X 7, 7, 25 X 5

3) Rear delt raise- 
15 X 6, 6, 6

4) Resistance band facepulls- 
 6, 6, 6 each rep + hold

5) DB shrugs-
35 X 6, 40 X 6, 6

6) BB shoulder press-
110 X 8, 115 X 6,

That extra last BB press from last week showed up here again. Interesting idea, think I'll keep it there and try out the idea of a second round after the work sets. Maybe on other workouts too? Hmmm.....