Monday, December 29, 2014

12/29- Press/row

Warm up-
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups

Working sets-

Bench press-  warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 170, 175, 175
210 X 3, 3, 3

DB triple press- 90 X 10, 10, 5
DB fly- 80 X 8, 8, 8, 8 

1 arm DB row-  8 X 80,  90, 100, 100

Notes- Time- 50'  That triple press is 10 X 45's with both arms, then one arm at a time with the non-working arm in the up position, then both again. Pretty tough, especially after presses, and I bailed on the last 5. Try to get them next time!

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