Warm up-
2 rounds of
20 jumping jacks
10 body weight squats
10 push ups
Shoulder mobilization
Strength work-
1) Swiss bar bench press- warm up sets- 10 X bar, 5 X 100, 120, 140
8 X 160, 170, 175, 175
5 X 190, 200, 3 X 210, 1 X 230, 230, 230
Metabolic work-
No rest between exercises, minimal rest between sets-
4rounds of-
2a) 1 arm DB row- 8 X 90, 10 X 90, 100, 100
2b) weighted feet elevated push up- 10 X 35lb.
3a) DB fly- 10 X 80
3b) Kneeling wide grip pull down- 10 X 75, 85, 85, 85
1 hr. hike at state park.
Announcement: The Intensive IV
6 years ago